"The Michelangelo Of Golf Instructors"

What did Dave Marr just call me?

There are two schools of thought regarding how Michelangelo carved David.  One says he took a piece of marble and carved David.  The other says Michelangelo took a piece of marble and removed everything that WASN'T David...

Let me show you how to remove everything unnecessary from your putting stroke, until all you are left with is the most optimal motion - the perfect putting stroke.

Are You Missing Putts You Know You Should Make?

Your anatomy holds the secret key to the best golf of your life.

Your body is an incredible machine... the product of millions of years of evolution. When you use your body correctly, you will be amazed at the level of play you are capable of. You CAN develop a world-class putting stroke in as little as a day...

But only if you know how to harness the power of your anatomy and eliminate all the unnecessary moving parts of your stroke.


  • 1

    The Four Secret Body Locks

  • 2

    The Stroke

    • A Centralized Rotation

    • Distance Control

    • Posture Dictates Path

    • Putting It All Together

  • 3


    • Eyes Over The Ball

    • Forward Press

    • Straight Back And Straight Through

    • Keeping The Face Square To Target

    • The Tail Wags The Dog

    • Acceleration Through Impact

  • 4

    Green Reading

    • What Causes The Ball To Break

    • Fall Lines

    • Grain

    • Ideal Speed Of Entry

  • 5

    Specialty Shots

    • Putting From Off The Green

About Your Instructor

Top PGA Tour Coach

Eric Kaplan

Eric Kaplan is the founder of AXYS Golf - the ideal way to golf as validated by top doctors and biomechanics experts from The Mayo Clinic and trusted by Major Championship winners.


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Grip

  • Posture

  • Distance Control

  • Green Reading

  • Setup

  • Specialty Shots


Two-Time Masters Champion

Bernhard Langer

Eric Kaplan helped me immeasurably. Imagine what he can do to help you.

PGA Hall Of Fame Instructor

Bob Toski

The Four Secret Body Locks Is Good Sh*t!

Ryder Cup Star / Most Interesting Man In Golf

Miguel Angel Jimenez

I don't always have putting lessons... when I do, I trust Eric Kaplan.



5 star rating

Putting Magic

mithilesh patel

I bought this one today, best thing ever learn about putting. No PGA teacher showed such easy way to putt..Thank you so mcuh. I got this info on facebook and...

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I bought this one today, best thing ever learn about putting. No PGA teacher showed such easy way to putt..Thank you so mcuh. I got this info on facebook and from there I went on to buy in few minutes..

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5 star rating

This has made a new golfer out of me outstanding.

Glenn Wood

5 star rating

Excellent Instruction

Kyle Greear

This is one of the best if not the best courses on putting I have watched . Easy to understand , straight to the point and myself at 70 with tremors can use .

This is one of the best if not the best courses on putting I have watched . Easy to understand , straight to the point and myself at 70 with tremors can use .

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5 star rating

Putting Mastery

Robert Buchanan

I think its fascinating, as Eric talks in my language logical. I believe I will try the irons course next as I need it. One note on the putting that was unc...

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I think its fascinating, as Eric talks in my language logical. I believe I will try the irons course next as I need it. One note on the putting that was unclear to me is I would like to have seen him do a 30 foot putt as I believe he would of had to arc the club or with shoulder rotation the club would have to have followed his shoulder in a curve correct?

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5 star rating

improve putting

Clark Fidler

Working on this method and seems it works. Very short putts are the ons giving me trouble. I have better luck using the claw for puts 3 ft or less.

Working on this method and seems it works. Very short putts are the ons giving me trouble. I have better luck using the claw for puts 3 ft or less.

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5 star rating

Putting mastery

John Faris

Excellent, a talented teacher covering everything in detail.

Excellent, a talented teacher covering everything in detail.

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5 star rating


Grayling Richard



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5 star rating

Outstanding Information

William Lee

As soon as I used key #3. Speed and direction fell into place. Finally putting instruction that makes sense. Highly recommend!,,,

As soon as I used key #3. Speed and direction fell into place. Finally putting instruction that makes sense. Highly recommend!,,,

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5 star rating


Noel Shaw Jr

Well thought out and very responsive to ergonomics and biophysics.

Well thought out and very responsive to ergonomics and biophysics.

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5 star rating

ianryoung@ talktalk.net


This is the most detailed putting course l have ever seen, and, each time l see it l latch on to some detail which l missed on the previous viewing.It shows ...

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This is the most detailed putting course l have ever seen, and, each time l see it l latch on to some detail which l missed on the previous viewing.It shows the how, the why, and the science behind it. lt is from AXYS Golf who also provide great support so it could not be improved on

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5 star rating

Putting Mastery Course

kim flynn

The course was well presented .The directions and instructions were clear and concise. Definitely helped my putting. Would highly recommend course to anyone ...

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The course was well presented .The directions and instructions were clear and concise. Definitely helped my putting. Would highly recommend course to anyone that wants to improve their putting.

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5 star rating

Really good

John Ward

Did this last winter and practiced inside- Putted better all summer. Now did it again as a refresher and will practice again inside this winter. It reall...

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Did this last winter and practiced inside- Putted better all summer. Now did it again as a refresher and will practice again inside this winter. It really works.

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5 star rating

Putting Mastery

Don Belcher

Like that instructions are clear followed by good demonstration. There is no wasted time. The demonstrations are easily followed and the results are obviou...

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Like that instructions are clear followed by good demonstration. There is no wasted time. The demonstrations are easily followed and the results are obvious as you practice.

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5 star rating

Great Course

Brad Gardner

Very good course, I rate it 5 stars.

Very good course, I rate it 5 stars.

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5 star rating

So far...5 stars

Jonathan Colbeck

Been through 33%, and it makes perfect sense as to why this will be a better form to utilize bettering the handicap with fewer putts! Thanks!! Finished this ...

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Been through 33%, and it makes perfect sense as to why this will be a better form to utilize bettering the handicap with fewer putts! Thanks!! Finished this putting course. A lot of information that makes sense as to why I've been inconsistent.

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5 star rating

Can't wait for my league to start!

William Swan

The course is really a game changer as far as putting is concerned. So logical yet most golfers do the opposite from what is taught here. Very exciting!

The course is really a game changer as far as putting is concerned. So logical yet most golfers do the opposite from what is taught here. Very exciting!

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Bonus Material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • eBook

    Putting: The Four Secret Body Locks

    $9.99 value

    Get the digital version of my best-selling putting book!

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    Advanced Support

    $100 value

    Get direct access to me for any questions or even if you want to send me a video of your putting stroke for personalized feedback!

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